The electronics used must implement a trigger logic capable of accepting every potential real Primakoff event. Primakoff events will be identified by the detection of the two gammas resulting from the decay of the pi0. To ensure that all gammas resulting from pi0s are detected, the analog sum of groups of detectors will be discriminated on. This will account for the worst case scenario of a gamma hitting right on the border of four detectors in the calorimeter effectively allowing each of these four detectors to see only 25% of the gamma's energy. The groups will be formed using CAEN N407 analog adder modules that allow up to 24 inputs and have a built-in discriminator. The groups overlap each other in such a way that no border between elements of the calorimeter is not completely enclosed inside a group. Furthermore, the groups are chosen so that each element of the calorimeter will contribute to at most 3 groups. The trigger will be formed by a coincidence between two sides of the calorimeter and the tagger master OR.